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Coming from an Australian...

I hope Obama wins. Had enough of Republicians for now.

Hilary sort of scares me:
- scared that if she wins the nomination, she will lose the election (I dunno - if I voted for Hilary vrs McCain... I might have to vote McCain :P)

- scared that she is just more of the same - too close to what has been running in the Whitehouse for the last 20 years

- scares me to think the US would have had 4 presidents in a row that are either Clinton's or Bush's

Obama seems to invigorate (IMO), and is the one who can promote real change.

It doesn't matter at all that he is "less experienced" - I see that as a good thing. As he learns, he can actually learn a different way. Presidents are also surrounded by advisors for a good reason - its not like they don't have any help.

Rudd has been a revelation here in Australia in the couple of months since he has gotten in - and I think Obama could do the same for the US (and maybe entire world).

(EDIT - a "Obama for President + Hilary for Vice President" would be the best team outcome)

Gesta Non Verba

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