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I agree with some points.
I despise the platforming, because it's not the trap-heavy, mind-bending type of parkour-like platforming in the Prince of Persia series I love so much (Sands of Time, Two Thrones, Forgotten Sands [Wii version - superior to all others]).
I dislike how assassinating has become less of a thing. In the first game, pretty much all you do is related to your next kill, which is great because it has focus. Later games... no. It becomes much more of an assassin training and management sim after the second game.

However, the world design, plot, and combat are pretty good by my standards. A very original, entertaining concept even when the gameplay doesn't astound me. Multiplayer is unique and intense, and puts all the focus on assassinating, which is awesome.

So I'd probably give each main entry in the series somewhere in the 7.5-9 range. 9 for ACII, even though it didn't have multiplayer, and 7.5 to Revelations, because I wasn't in love with the evolution of single-player.

For the record, I have two friends who love the series and insist that I visit them and play each game to death. I repay them by making it so they don't miss out on the latest and greatest games on Nintendo platforms. Kingdom Hearts 3D was a hit with them quite recently.

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