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Looks like GameSpot giving ZombiU a 4.5/10

The guy loved the multiplayer mode as it is more action oriented and hated the single player because he seems to be playing it in grind mode compelled to kill all Zombies slowly and tediously with a cricket bat. Does a really good job of making the game seem as bad as possible.

This review got posted and then taken down by GameSpot. Either due to releasing prematurely before the NDA or some other reason. Regardless of the reason, in the era of the Internet, once its out it's out. Either way, I expect this review will be back officially tomorrow... will be interesting to see how other reviews contrast to the review from GameSpot.

To me this automatically implies that ZombiU will be more in line with Ninja Gaiden 3 for Wii U than New Super Mario Bros U. Disappointing to say the least, but it is not going to stop me from getting the game and trying it out myself.