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To people bringing up the Skyward Sword review, yes, 7.5 is a good score.

The problem wasn't the score. The problem was that the reviewer criticized the game's IR controls for not working very well. There is just one problem with this: Skyward Sword doesn't use IR controls. Not once. And it wasn't just a slip of the tongue; he described, in detail, how he was using the controls, and he was using them as though they were IR-based. The guy played the entire game wrong, without stopping to learn the controls, in a game that tells you how to use every item as you find them.

It was a disaster of a review. It's a wonder Tom McShea still has a job at GameSpot. You see, we weren't being petty and complaining about the review "ruining the metascore," because honestly, it probably didn't move the metascore at all. The issue was that the guy literally didn't know what he was talking about. It was just a bad review.

The ZombiU review sounds like they gave the game to the wrong guy, but at least he understands how to play it.