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forevercloud3000 said:
  • -A SE worker reveals that over the years of development, a game's worth of content was cut from FFXIII, including cities, pedestrians, mini-games, etc. SE explains this away by saying that is normal. In what universe? If they were truely deciding on a theme or style to go with, this would normally be decided in the CONCEPT ART phase. Anything else after the 3D models go into play would be a slight tweak, not a complete overhaul.
  • -Square-Enix later admits after product testing the game, that they knew people would not like the fact it didn't have cities and was very linear. They decided to ship it anyway and re-use the stuff that would have been in it (if it fit) into another game, AKA FFXIII-2. Of course SE says it differently, something about they just "took what we learned and incorperated it into FFXIII-2".
  • - I distinctly remember some concept art way back when that looked like one of the larger cities in FFXIII-2 :/
  • - A statement was also made by a SE employee that "360 originally was thought to take up 7+ discs, but they later cut down on some stuff to make it all fit." Later forced to retract statement.

So you really think they removed only the good parts, and left the linear parts when they decided to cut content?... Besides, devs leave out unused content all the time. The extra content from SMG1 later turned into SMG2. Which console are you going to blame this one on?

They might have delayed the game for X360, but I don't see any proof that they cut out parts of the game for the sole purpose of fitting it on X360. The guy talking about 7 discs could've been refering to compressed VS uncompressed audio/video, which we already know about.

One last thing is I remember cutscenes being released way early, they couldn't possibly have been finished with the game at the time, and yet I have yet to see a cutscene of something that's not in the final game. The art you saw means literally nothing. Remember all the Epic Mickey concept art we got at the beginning? ...They planned it this way from the start, they thought people would like it (...I did )