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Argh_College said:
Kinect 20m here 17m


It's probably undertracked a bit, but the 20m is shipped.

My take on this weeks numbers:
-Halo 4 didn't sell as well as expected by many. In fact it sold barely above Halo 3.(by a hair)
-The HW boost in America is HUGE. The HW boost in Europe still puts it below the PS3.
-PSV holding on there, while DS is getting a boost. It'll probably outsell it next week :(
-Wii is selling well considering its dead. A shame it will outsell the Vita this holiday.(a shame for Sony)
-3DS not doing so hot in the US and Europe. It's selling below the 6 and 7 year old PS360.
-DS refuses to die in America. This is Nintendo's problem. They'll probably discontinue it after the holidays.
-Wii will probably be discontinued before holiday '13 as well. They can't make the same mistake twice and this will reduce consumer confusion.
-Sony should probably discontinue the PSP as well, in order to give the Vita more shelf space.(only in America/Europe)