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Riot Of The Blood said:

"Certainly Did. Riot, from my observations, I don't think a fan of one system is being any less sensitive than another. There are definitely individual gamers of all console preferences that need to calm themselves down."

I disagree. I believe the Nintendo fans are easily the most sensitive. For example, every time some CEO or whatever says something negative about the Wii, Nintendo fans feel the need to start a topic on how the guy is an idiot or whatever... All you have to do is call the Wii casual, which isn't even an insult, and Nintendo fans go nuts.

 And PS3 fans went nuts with topics of why there were such few games, BR being a bad idea, etc....
 And 360 fans went nuts with topics of continual RROD problems, using DVD was a bad idea limiting space, etc...

Fans of any product will be upset when such product is mocked or ridiculed by others.  When we purchase these consoles and make investments into the hardware we don't want to hear people drone on about how foolish we were.  Again you need to start realizing you can replace general fans instead of only Nintendo fans which is misleading. 

I could just as easily say Sony fans are ignorant citing Crazzy's threads which are a void of all logic and reasoning but that would be quite unfair as not all Sony fans are like him, infact i'd say with a few exceptions of certain Wii/360/PS3 fanboys most posters on this site are quite reasonable and agreeable.