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so, remember that wonderful time like 12 years ago when you were chillin with your homies (or dawgz), downing a bag of combos and chasing it with some refreshing sunny d? Then BAM! the earthworm jim cartoon comes on and you're like "dag, this show is awesome. it kinda makes me want to play some super game boy."

Then last week you found yourself remembering that there was an earthworm jim cartoon and your bummed that it's not on dvd and the episodes on youtube are all converted from some kids old vhs tape. Damn that sucks.

Which brings me to the real topic of this post. What video game cartoons, past or present, do love and/or feel have withstood the test time. On the other hand, what shows, past or present, do you feel suck or seemed good at the time but were actually pretty bad.

For me, I dig:
earthworm jim
super mario bros. 3
ultimate muscle (though im pretty sure it's based on the manga, not the game)

As for shows that simply aren't that good:
the mario bros. supershow
mega man