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JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
fauzman said:
Sony doesnt have great-selling titles.

Why people seem to leave out Gran Turismo, still!

Again, the only company with extreme selling franchises is Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are basically tied, but Sony has more IPs that sell moderate-good.

I tend to agree with you a lot but XBOX actually has probably just as many exclusive Console titles with multi million sales.  Halo and gears being the two biggest they have.  There is others like fable, forza, L4D, Crackdown, Alan Wake, Perfect dark, mass effect, Dead or Alive 3, Viva Pinata, etc etc.  The reason people forget a lot of this is because xbox exclusives came out early in the gen where sony's has came out later. 

Sony has a bigger first party but Miscrosoft is more aggressive and buys exclusives wether for a short time or permanate

But will we see the same strategy next gen?  Because, to be honest, I don't think all the one year exclusives Microsoft bought at the beginning of this gen really ended up in their best interest, as Sony enforced the rule that they would only take a later release if it contained added content and was the definitive version.  I think it ended up being a long-term negative, which is why Microsoft abandoned that strategy and went with negotiating for timed exclusive DLC.  I'm pretty sure they're more pleased with that.

Even in Japan, where Microsoft spent a ton of money on exclusive games, are they likely to continue throwing cash down a well?  It basically did nothing for them there.  Will they give up on the Japanese market entirely?

I'm not so sure that we're going to see as many exclusive titles for the 720 from outside developers as we did for the 360.  I think most developers realize that the money is with going multi-platform.  Microsoft would have to spend a LOT to convince them otherwise and I'm not even sure they have enough money to accomplish that, not with a market that now includes THREE platforms.

Which brings up the question of Epic and Gears of War.  Imagine the size that IP could reach if expanded across the PS4 and Wii U.  Those are some serious dollar signs floating around for them to think about.