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superchunk said:

Was GT5 the turning point for PS3? Does it prove a jump in PS3 sales that carry forward similar to NSMBWii or Wii Fit?

Its a big title and I did say it was Sony's largest, but its not a Halo or Mario title. Its still a niche genre.

Firstly, I never said it was as big as Mario or Wii Fit. I said it was comparable to Halo.

Secondly, GT5 released four years after the PS3 launched. Of course, it wouldn't cause a drastic upsurge in sales. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be a console mover if it released 1-2 years into the PS3's life. Halo 3 had the benefit of releasing only 2 years after the 360 launch, yet it still didn't cause a huge surge in sales. Using your logic, if GT isn't a console mover, then Halo definitely isn't.

Also, one could make the argument that GT5 did cause at least a moderate effect in hardware sales. The year GT5 released (2010), the PS3 sold the most ever. And the next year, when GT5 was available for the entire year, the PS3 sold even more. Keep in mind the game released six years after launch. Imagine the impact if would have if it released near the console's launch. 

As for GT versus Halo. If you compare GT5 sales with Halo: Reach's sales, both of which released in 2010, you'll notice the difference is incredibly small. Halo Reach has sold 9.3 million. And GT5 has sold just under 9 million. Moreover, GT5 has been outselling Reach for the entire year, and it's possible that it's going to overtake Reach eventually. So, if Halo is bigger than Gran Turismo, it's by a very small magnitude.