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Farsala said:

 Yes, the Fable and forza is bigger then God of war though. Though Forza and Fable are on decline, too soon to tell with God of war. So that is why I say they are almost equal.


You're massively wrong. God of War is much bigger than Forza and Fable and it's never had to be massively bundled. Fable is a 2.5 - 4.0 million selling franchise and Forza is a 1.5 - 3.0 million selling franchise, Forza 2, 3 and Fable 2, 3 only sold so well due to mass bundling and God of War III is still way ahead of them at 5.2 million which Sony announced on the 30th May 2012, it's sold a lot more since then and is now roughly at 5.4m+.

The God of War games are 4.25 - 6.00 million sellers. God of War III will pass 6 million this gen easily as it's already at about 5.4-5.5m and there's a new budget essentials edition and the new Saga collection which has been selling VERY well. Not to mention God of War III was hardly bundled at all, released during a PS3 shortage and had a terrible marketing campaign and it still went on to be one of the biggest exclusives on HD consoles and the best selling game in its genre of all time. God of War: Ascension will also be a 5.5 - 6.5 million seller and will definitely pass 6 million unless the PS4 launches before Q4 2014 which would cut its legs short a little bit.

With the way the God of War franchise growing and the fact millions of people are already anxiously waiting for God of War IV ( 6.4 million views or with 4 million views and there's more fake videos with millions of views) even though God of War: Ascension has been announced as the next game in the series, GoW4 is going to be the biggest in the series yet selling 6.5 - 7.5 million and will be a HUGE system seller. 

And God of War is bigger than Uncharted as well; UC2 was bundled a lot, has had an extra xmas holiday and is 6 months older and yet GoW3 is only about 300-400K behind and is catching up. UC3 is the most bundled game on HD consoles this generation and once the game stops being bundled sales will slow down considerably and it is unlikely to pass UC2 by a significant margin if at all. Uncharted is really only a medium-high tier 3.5 - 4.5 million selling franchise if it wasn't bundled so massively, I don't know why some people think it's a big franchise when it's really not at all. Are Resistance: FoM, MotorStorm and LittleBigPlanet huge sellers? No, they sold 4-5 million because of mass bundling just like Uncharted 2 & 3 sold a lot mainly because of bundles, yet I rarely see people criticise Uncharted's sales for depending heavily on bundles like they do other games.

Gran Tursimo and God of War are Sony's most popular and beloved franchises, both are huge system sellers. Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet are big sellers and will help shift a lot of consoles. Resistance, Killzone and Infamous are decent/good sellers but are unlikely to help boost console sales much. Some new IPs could help the PS4 but it'll most likely be sequels to existing franchises that will help push PS4 sales most around the first year on sale, if the new IPs are successful and get sequels then they could be big system sellers for the PS4.