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JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:


lool yea i noticed now but i just couldnt resiste pointing that out :D

lol I cant imagine you behind your keyboard doing what your avatar picture is doing over there lmao Anyways I'll say thanks :)

lmao hahaha!! but to answer your question lol 

uncharted - a now 5-6 million seller will probably push a lot of consoles, i dont think sony is anywear near done with uncharted games, every uncharted game has its own story, nothing is connected to the other so they arent forced to end the games just because they reached a certain number, they can keep making new ones each with their own adventure

God Of War - a 4-5 million seller that will probably reach 6 million in sales with GoW A, the story of the franchise is heavely related around Kratos, with the ending of GoW3, its hard to make a GoW 4 and its probably why GoW A is a prequal. i dont see room to make another GoW game unless its continuing the story of GoW A. all in all i dont think they are making another GoW game for PS4

Gran Turismo - a 10+ million seller, even though it wont move huge amounts of systems in USA, i mean its still a good seller but no were near the amount of sales it gets in europe. it will still move a huge amount of systems and really push the PS4, especially if they release 2 GT games on the console

LittleBigplanet 3-5 million seller - a game that will most likely sell around that range, it wont move huge units so fast and on its release, but it will make the PS4 be considered by a different demographic of consumers so it will pull in consumers that arent drawn in by games like halo, gears and killzone

killzone - a 2-3 million even though this isnt a huge seller, its still a high quality game, and a very good FPS for people who would want them. i dont think this will be the main reason people will buy a PS4 but it will be one of the reasons along side GT and uncharted. not everybody will want it. but for people who would want an alternative to Halo (other than CoD) killzone could be the perfect choice

The Last Of Us - a game that is highly anticipated for PS3 next year with A LOT of potential, this game can really become huge, yes im takling about a  4-5 million seller, specially if it is as good as people are hoping it to be then it can do those numbers easily. if that happens sony has another mega franchise on its hands and it can move quite alot of consoles of they bring the last of us 2 on PS4

new IP guerrilla games, sony santa monica, quantic dream, media molecule are all VERY talneted developers with potential to make a new IP that will sell bucket loads. also new IPs are very important in the first couple of years of a consoles life cycle and with those developers all confirmed  making new IPs they all have a chance of making an IP that would explode in sales(expect QD but its more than likley they will make a new one) 

i know my post is long and sorry for that but thats exactly my point, sony doesnt relly on one or two games to sell their systems, they never did. and its why they sell a hell of a lot of systems. add all these games and factors and you got a lot of reasons to buy a PS4, not just one or two.