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The more I play Halo 4 the less impressed I get by the engine. It looks very nice if you stay on the intended path. But every time I try to explore a bit I either run/fly into an invisible wall, get too close to a low-res texture or get the 10 sec return to battlefield or die counter.

For example I just played the part where you get to fly outside between the huge pillars. I'm thinking cool let's check out that big ship over there. The textures started to look pretty low res getting a bit closer but I never got there, 10, 9, 8, dead. So I try going up, nope not allowed, down, not either. Nothing to do but fly to the marked pillar where a little group of enemies is hovering around.

Inside the 3rd pillar it really started to show its limitations. Flying around in the banshee produced a lot of texture pop in and object/panel fade-in on the platforms below.

The cut scenes all look great, improved lighting, models and probably better anti-aliasing really make them shine. Good trade-off for the black borders, effectively only rendering 1280x544 (if it's 2.35:1, looks close to it)

That's one thing that I don't get from Killzone 3. The gameplay looks great, the cutscenes the complete opposite. No enhancements at all and the close-ups of the in-game character models look like crap. And it's all pre-rendered to hide loading times... (Not that any enhancements would fix the atrocious acting in KZ3)

I'm hoping to finish the campaign tonight. I left off in the middle of a big battle on board the Infinity, fun fun.