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happydolphin said:
Train wreck said:
happydolphin said:

You mention in a lot of your posts that you want engaged conservation from the community but the comments you are writing now add no value, at least try to refute what Im saying with evidence from other court cases, Samsung phone direction before the iphone released, something.

I really thought you were kidding.

What do you want me to say? We all see the phones with our eyes. When Samsung made the phone I currently own (the T119), did anyone say they copied because they had a Call and a Hang Up button, and a back button like most phones of its time? No, they didn't. Even if they did, I don't remember hearing of the consequences we hear about here (1b$ in fees).

As for swipes and gestures, none of that is something a company can appropriate to themselves. It's an integral part of a touchscreen experience, these gesture and swipe concepts have existed since the beginnings of the tablet era 1 a decade ago, as well as the smart devices  that existed pre iphone (compaq Q et al.).

I really don't want to discuss this it's been talked about ad nauseam. In my humble opinion, Apple had no right to sue Samsung over something they don't own, and they got what they deserved.

I appreciate the guilt trip, because I do need to post with quality and lead by example, but to be fair you and MBP both called me deluded, so... how conducive to thought is a comment like that? (Just take it with a grain of salt)

Samsung has had vast history of copying the leaders in the cellphone industry, it just that Apple actually called their bluff.  Prior to the new slate of phones in 2007, Samsung ripped off Motorola  with their versions of the RAZR and the Motorola Q.  People callout Apple suing based on rounded edged stupid, but say nothing about Blackberry and them suing Samsung (and settling out of court) on the word black (for the Samsung Blackjack).

If I am a company and spend billions on R&D to have some random company take my ideas and profit themselves im going to do what it takes to protect my assets, sorry you dont see it that way.