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Argh_College said:
YukanaSenix said:
Argh_College said:
Yeah im biased but i own 2 ps3, 2 360s and my family a Wii.

im probably the guy here that has all the best exclusives for the HD Twins and has completed Uncharted 3 on "Esmagador" and God of War 3 on Chaos.

You wish you were as biased as me, going out to play the best FPS ever - Halo 4. Killzone 3 was a disapointment son.

The best FPS in this Gen and in a long time in general is > BATTLEFIELD 3 on PC with Ultra Settings.
There is NOTHING that comes close to that game,especially not on consoles and surely not some Casual Shooters like Halo or CoD.
Sorry - Being MLG Pro is as much an effort as farting against a wall or comparing a Halo Wars player to a Korean LoL or SC Player...If you want to be great play on PC - This is where skill counts and where the good players are.
Halo is a great Casual Shooter and thats it.Killzone has a worse MP but the SP(the only thing that matters on consoles cause MP on Console FPS is for casuals anyways) is much better.

With the right rules Halo is a top notch hardcore shooter just see MLG of Halo 2 and Halo 3 and learn.

BF3 is a joke for competitive gaming thats why no one plays that game in big Lans like MLG.

Lol and SC2 are amazing competitive games, i played LoL and the game is so much fun and so addictive, one of the best online games out there. SC2 is amazing to see on MLG they allways put up a great show with great players.

Halo 4 is not Casual Shooter, you need skill to play Halo, team Work, months of practive and call outs to win games and be the best, thats why there are 350 teams playing Halo at MLG and you only see 16 on top with a big difference from the others, Halo is nothing but an hardcore shooter with the right options and tools and 343 delivered that in big quantity and also in quality.

Remember you can modify everything on Halo from gravity to shoots you need to kill, its just that good.

My favourites competitive games since i can remember :

UT 99 > Halo 2 > SC2 > LoL > Gears of War >>> All.

My top 3 and in that order (remember instagib in UT ? that was glorious...)

(haven't played Halo 2 online nor LoL)