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kowenicki said:
VGKing said:
RaiderMX said:
Lostplanet22 said:
yo_john117 said:
How does this compare to the amount of money COD makes?

And wow, 4 million players in“Halo 4” Makes Entertainment History... the first 5 days?! That means it will probably be slightly over 4 million for it's first week. Higher than my original estimate.

Hmm don't be surprised if you don't see 4 million sales first week.  More than one player can play on one copy on one Xbox 360 remember.  

This apply the same way around, a lot of players don't have their profiles connected to xbox live. Just for humor you, in Mexico 60 million of people have a console (73% has a 360) yet only 40 million have access to internet...

You can say a lot of countries can be similar, hell, one of my friends lives in the States, and he has a 360 and Internet, but yet he doesn't have his console connected...

Where are you getting these ridiculous numbers from? IF 60 million have a console in Mexico, and 73% have a 360 that would make it 43,800,000 sales of XBox 360 in Mexico alone.

You need to calm down pal and don't be such a party pooper.  So he got confused or mid translated,clearly he didn't  mean that

Calm down? I am perfectly calm pal. It's impossible to read emotion/tone from a comment, so it must be you the one is aggravated. Try taking deep breaths, then go back and re-read my comments.
He obviously did mean it. This was no typo and he didnt get confused. He was pulling numbers out of his ass.