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ok as a PS/ninty fan the dominant Playstation side in me is going to be honest(like always)

Is Little Big Planet a superior 2d platformer to Mario? FUCK NO!!!! And it doesn't need to be..

Little Big Planet is still new to the game(the whole gaming scene as a whole) and LBP needs work. i also agree with what @Rol was trying to say. Mario is overly set in pretty much all of the 2d platformer categories. Mario has the unforgettable enemies like the giant ant(goomba), the turtle(koopa), the plant that bites(piranha plant) and so many more and yet they are so simple at the same time. It Has the unforgettable boss that was a big ass turtle with spikes(Bowser). It has the memorable friends like Yoshi, luigi, peach and more. Nintendo has done a phenomenal job with the whole Mario series while still keeping it simple at the same time and this is why Mario is the undisputed king in the 2d platformer genre.

Little Big Planet is the undisputed king in the Play, create, share genre. LBP is a pcs game before it is a 2d platformer and that's just the way it is. Mario does some things better than LBP and LBP does some things better than Mario so I can understand and see how some could like LBP more than Mario and vice versa.

LBP at this point is very good but the still need to expand the franchise though. I want to see some more memorable characters on sackboys side that ARE NOT other sackboys. Give me a memorable rival to sackboy and bring in some memorable well thought out enemies as well. Sony just needs to expand the franchise a bit more and LBP will be fine.

So yea LBP IS NOT a better platformer than Mario at this point and it doesn't need to be. I also don't need for a reviewer to tell me what's better because I can still play SONY and NINTENDO games without being biased towards a company just like I did when I was a kid before I ever realized that my 2 favorite game company's were actually in competition with each other.

Edit: and to answer some earlier speculation about Crash Team Racing in this thread...

Yes ,Crash Team Racing was better than Mario Kart but it's not really fair to compare an old game like CTR to the newer Mario Karts of today but CTR was definitely better than Mario Kart 64. The only Kart game that could stand its own against CTR was Diddy Kong Racing

Im not trying to stir my fellow Nintendo fans up by saying this but hey it is what it is

Just saying..


DOUBLE EDIT: ... Wack ass auto correct smh