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bananaking21 said:
freebs2 said:
bananaking21 said:
samuship said:
Chandler said:
bananaking21 said:
its because Sony has a superior 2D platforming game, its called littlebigplanet

How can anyone compare LBP with a game like SMB3? It's something totally insane, because LBP has not nearly the same quality, is a franchise much younger, and infinitely less sold. Just because Sony copy the games and gives upgraded features and modernized does not mean they are better.

It's really laughable.


metacritic scores

littlebigplanet 95 > 89 super mario bros DS

Littlebigplanet 2 91 > 87 super mario bros Wii

Littlebigplanet vita 88 > 78 super mario bros 2 3DS

its obvious LBP slaugthers SMB in terms of quality, its funny how nintendo fans came rushing here claiming SMB is a better game when its clearly not, atleast have something to back your statements up other than your own bais opinion. also other than both being 2D platformers with co-op play, how and what did sony copy the inferior game that is mario?

I give more value to my own experince than to buch of numbers posted by biased reviwers and bribed editors.

The reason why LBP sucks it's clear, a terrible control response, the lack of any learning curve, the lack of any challange at all, the only supposed good thing of LBP is the editor, which is not. It takes like 10hours to create a decent level and it's not simple at all, while it takes just 3-4 hours to create a Mario level using editors amde by amateurs on the internet.

i guess having 500 lifes in a game proves to be really challanging!! and yes the editor sucks, those 7 million levels created by fans are just worthless obviously, i mean if the editor sucks then how can they make so many good levels?

No, th fact that a lot of user generated levels were made doesn't mean, the LBP editor is a good one. After all you consider irrilevant the fact that 10times more people are playing Super Mario instead of LBP. Imo, if you want to judge an editor you have to consider its capacity and its efficienty. If you consider capacity LBP editor is good, but on the other hand you can learn to use a simple tool like Gamemaker which is more capable and it's not really that hard to learn with a tutorial. If you consider its efficiency, as I said before, there is something wrong if a buch of random programmers on the internet can make an editor for Super Mario which is easier and quicker to use than the editor made by the AAA production.

As for the challange. Is NSMB more challenging than LBP? Yes. Can NSMB can be considered, in general, a challenging game? No. To be clear, I don't think NSMB is anywere close to be perfect. (for instance I think both Super Meat Boy and DKCR are better in single player) Still even tought it's not really challaging it is fine in any other aspect that make a platformer a good one. It has a fine control response, it has good level designes and, even tought it's quite easy to beat, it has an evident lerning curve (you can see it perfectly when you play multiplayer in coin battle mode). LBP isn't good in any of these departments.

edit. To be precise, what is valid for LBP is also valid for other games. Kirby Epic Yarn for example is praised by many Nintendo fans. I think it sucks, plain (imo) level design, no learning curve, no challange at all, good controls at least. And yet it has an higher metascore than Mario and Donkey Kong.