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VGKing said:
Mr Puggsly said:
VGKing said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Halo 4 is by far the best looking game I've ever seen.

Frankly I don't care if Sony fans agree. I just hope this ends all the debate about PS3 being more powerful.

Uh, it still is. That goes without saying.
It's 2012, there is enough information out there that proves it. 

Halo vs Killzone, Forza vs this point it all comes down to preference. No one can argue that these games are technically stunning and made by amazing and talented developers.

If it is, we're still waiting for it to be demonstrated.

Uncharted 2 and 3. Killzone 3. God of War 3.

These 4 games have demonstrated the power of the PS3 for years now. It took developers 7 years to develop a game that can compete with these PS3 exclusives. And supposedly the Xbox 360 was easier to develop do you explain that?

With that I'm done here. 

TO be fair Sony has always encouraged its developers to put huge budget engines together that tap the system to the very limits of its power since the beginning of the PS3.

This is the first time ever MS has done that from the ground up.  Put together a team whose whole purpose was to make a bleeding edge engine specifically tailored to all the 360s strenths.  And 343 have had incredible results.  Sony has as well as the games youve mentioned were all gorgeous but were also built from the gound up and tailored to the PS3.  The only other franchise MS has done this with is Forza which just also happens to be beautiful.

The PS3 has a very slight edge on the 360 for sure in most hardware areas but the 360 is better at a few things, such as RAM.  Either way both consoles are so close it really comes down to developers getting the absolute most out of the consoles which is something Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, 343, and Turn 10 have all done an excellent job on.