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oniyide said:
Mummelmann said:

In the last two years, on this site anyway, Nintendo fans themselves have been more critical of Nintendo and their software lineup than anyone else. The fact of the matter is; the vast majority of gamers, Nintendo gamers included, feel that the Wii failed to deliver on the software end, 3rd party support in particular but also lack of proper 1st party in-house efforts since late 2010.

This is the ruling consensus and while "majority rules" doesn't always constitute a fact, in this case it well and truly does. Release schedules and Nintendo's own press releases speak volumes on the matter.

THIS +1. But i think we are wasting time, I got a hunch he made this thread just to try to rally his "fellow" Ninty "fans" into siding with his flimsy argument...that didnt happen because most here have some sense, now he is lashing out against "PS360" fans but totally ignoring the Ninty fans who think he's full of it as well. to each his own.

I'm still undeciced who's getting more on my nerves with this thread, the creator or you. Both of you just can't stop.

And no, Mummelmann does not deserve one of your annoying "THIS" remarks followed by +1, especially when he's simply not right with his statement about what the "vast majoprity of gamers" think which is just his assumption labeled as fact.

"But i think we are wasting time". Don't think so, as it seems you had nothing better to do in the last two days anyway than monitoring this thread...