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Yay.... no one's flamed me yet for the post, haha

>that would also hurt sales of Ninja Bead Man and other shovel ware that people buy because they have less choice of good games for the wii.

With a sequel on the way, I don't think anything can stop ninjabread man. That aside, I do really wish 3rd parties would step up to the plate this year. I'm going to use GTA4 as a example for this. I don't expect GTA4 to get ported to the wii. Due to its size, graphics, etc. the game would have to be completely reworked in order to run on the wii. But still, no GTA game is on its way for the wii confuses me. Like a GTA: Liberty City 2. Would the game sell as well on the wii as it would for the PS3/360? I doubt it. But with the wii user base the size that it is and development costs for the wii the way they are, it seems like a risk that some series (be it GTA, MGS, RE, etc.) should take.

As for reviewers, yes, some will never get over the fact that the wii is a casual/non gamer console. And maybe it's just hard for me to get in the mindset of someone who is new to gaming. But I just look at some on the mini game/party game efforts and think.... They could do better then that.

Oh well, as I said, the higher rated games are selling best (for the most part), hopefully we'll see more of those.