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This would explain the new PS3s coming out with higher storage capacity in the hard drives. This may be one of the only solutions to the technical issues on the machine. That said it would be a real shame, and there is no reason anyone should be forced into data management of this magnitude. Four games could easily swamp the smaller hard drives. That is hardly convenient, and if this is a new trend imagine the difficulties Metal Gear, Killzone, and Final Fantasy are going to bring down the pipe. Imagine ten Gigabyte downloads.

While the thought of Sony fanatics having to hot potato hard drives, or having to explain to friends why they can't play the game on their shelf. I could see real valid concerns, especially given that the game saves have to be stored somewhere. I would ask the people that have a PS3 a few questions.

1. How much space is backwards compatibility, downloaded games, game saves taking up on your machine at the moment?
2. The game saves are kept separate from the games themselves right?
3. Do you have cards to store game data personally?

Want to see how this effects gaming beyond the storage limit. How would you deal with a situation if installing comes the normal method of operation. Would you feel compelled to buy a larger hard drive, and would that make you upset?

Though it is humorous in a twisted sense I really hope you guys don't end up getting shafted by installs. The waiting sucks yes, but it would be tragic if you had to go to extraordinary means just to play your system in a normal fashion.

I thought the install of Fable on to my 360 was heinous I winced at all the space it took up, and I winced at how long it took to install. I couldn't imagine having to do this a couple times a week if I just wanted to play one of my games.