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Initial impressions are good game, graphics look good to great so far.

I'm only a few hours in, Requim I think it's called, no real wow moments so far. The art style is not my favorite tbh and lights constantly shining in your eyes can be a bit annoying with the heavy bloom. It has the same problem as Killzone, this guy needs to stop for a moment and clean the vaseline of his visor. It does have some great lighting when the view is not obstructed by bloom and lens flare effects. Anyway can't wait to get to the scenes of all those amazing outside screenshots.

The gameplay is fun. The levels so far feel more like multiplayer maps then logical places, especially with the push these 3 switches on the lower level then the next switch on the upper level mechanics. The shooting is very satisfying, especially after I started recognizing the weapon racks. It was a bit hectic running out of ammo all the time at first. (First Halo since Halo 2 for me, forgive me for not knowing all the weapons and enemies in advance)