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curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
sethnintendo said:
oniyide said:
this is a funny thread, got people listing 1st party games as 3rd party ones, another guy doesnt know a series went multiplat a while ago. ANd some who have clearly poor taste. None of those COD games should be categorized as anything but mediocore or poor IMHO. COD3 didnt even have multiplayer

Put over 600 hours combined on WaW and BO for the Wii.  They might be easy to diss when compared to the HD consoles but they were near the top FPS for the Wii. The Wiimote+nunchuck controls in WaW and BO handled even better than Goldeneye 007 (Wii) even with extra custom control tweaking (they should have just copied the controls direcetly from WaW).  Talk shit about them all you want but there are a few people that thought they were good.  I gave them both mid to high 80s score.

Yeah, "few" thats my point. You can praise the wiimote+nunchuck setup all you want(and you know what, nothing wrong with that it is good). But when the game not only looks worst, lags, has pop-in, broken textures, one of the games didnt even have multiplayer, choppy online, barely any updates and lacks even the option to buy additional content. Its not hard to imagine why damn near 90% of the gamers over look it. Now if you are willing to put up with all that just for motion controls, then more power to you, but you do know you're in the minority.  You gave them 80s? Ok, good for you, what did the professional reviews give it? You gave it 80s compared to what? Other Wii games, those are the best FPSs you can get on Wii and that right there just shows how sad the library really is, at least in regards to FPSs

Why should I care? Professional reviewers have virtually no more credibility than any random gamer on a forum. They're just one person with an opinion, who just happens to be capable or semi-capable of expressing their opinion in writing. Not only do they rarely align with my own view, so I have no need for their perceptions, but looking at the numerous games that get bad reviews and good sales or vice versa, they often don't align with the views of the majority of gamers either. 

Reviewers have far too much undeserved power in gaming today, and they get it from sheep who play what they are told is good without forming their own opinions.

If it has no more credibility then whats the point? The fact that he gave it 80s doesnt really help his argument then going by your logic (which i do agree with to a certain extent). 

How can they form their own opinions without having to play the game? Are they expected to plunk down dozens of bucks to form their own opinion? Lets be real here. Not saying that reviews dont have too much power, which they do. But you are not bringing any credible alternatives yourself