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According to reports, Hot Shots Golf has hit the same issue which has plagued Devil May Cry 4, in that it takes 20 minutes to install on the Sony PS3.

According to the reports coming out it takes 20 minutes to install the 5GB of data onto the PS3 hard drive needed to run Hot Shots Golf.

There is no word if this is going to be in the final retail version, but considering that it was in the retail version of Devil May Cry 4 from Capcom, it is definitely a possibility.

Stay tuned to see how this game continues in its development. As of right now though it looks like Sony gamers are going to lose another 5GB of data on their PS3 hard drive, and have time for lunch while the game installs."

ok, so are all future PS3 games gonna have installs? wtf. Just buy a damn PC then. Kinda ruins a big advantage of having a console in my opinion. Oh, wait but your saving a couple of precious seconds durning cut scenes...pffft. whatever.