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Player2 said:
runqvist said:
Player2 said:

The second chart is wrong because maximum viewing distance doesn't depend on resolution. It's funny because in that graphic 480p allows you to watch the TV from a further distance than 1080p in a TV with the same size, now that's an improvement :D

Minimum viewing distance does depend on pixel size, and that depends on resolution and screen size. This is where resolution helps, not in maximum viewing distance.

That answers my question, you don't understand. Why do you even speak when you clearly have no idea?

Yeah sure. But go ahead if you want to use a chart used by movie theaters for your gaming. THX recommended distance uses a 40 degrees viewing angle. 40 degrees viewing angle is suicidal in a videogame because human eye sees like shit at 40 degrees:


Ironically the THX line in the second chart matches the data in the wikipedia article I posted.

I use my own eyesight, which happen to match quite nicely with those maximum viewing distances. Thx is not the only standard used there, you would know that if you would have read those links. There is even a calculator which allows you to find out maximum distances to fully enjoy various resolutions, those are made with human vision in mind.  Also my setup gives me 16.2 degree viewing angle with 47" tv, not 40.

There is a word to describe people like you.