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biggamejames79 said:
From this thread I believe a lot of peeps are against you selling your PS3 because they work for sony or are developing games for the system and don't want to lose sales, that's the only rational explanation. I did the same thing as you, sold my ps3 to gamestop for $180 (they were doing a double the credit for consoles special) in order to have more money to buy a Wii-U. If I ever felt like playing some more ps3 games down the road I'll just buy another one, they'll probably be dirt cheap in a few years anyway when the ps4 comes out. Not sure why people get that worked up over your current gaming preference.

The PS3 is my least favorite console this gen but I'm still against him selling it for a Wii U!  I'm even buying a Wii U (ONLY NINE MORE DAYS!!).  I guess the collector in me can't understand his logic.