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DieAppleDie said:
No i was not, but its a matter of tastes, i would take Arc rise over FFX anyday, same with NMH2 over GoW

I'm just not sure what you're trying to prove here.

I'm as big a Wii fan as you'll find on this site.  Although I have a 360 I vastly prefer my Wii because I prefer the type of games that are on Wii, and I prefer (good) motion controls over good visuals.  I love Wii for the quirky unique games like Dewy's Adventure, Opoona, Elebits, Zack & Wiki, Let's Tap, and Lost in Shadow. I love motion controls for games like Godfather, Pandora's Tower, Mario Kart, Fatal Frame  and Tiger Woods.  I also hate dual analog for FPS so I'm content with my Goldeneye and (watered down) CoD's.

However, there's no way Wii has better JRPGs (Xenoblade excepted) or action games than the HD consoles.  I don't even believe you prefer the Wii offerings, unless you've simply avoided the HD consoles altogether frankly.  If that's what you enjoy, Wii's offerings are just plain weak.    Those generally aren't my cup of tea, so the few good ones Wii has (when they use motion meaningfully) are good enough for me but I still enjoy some games on 360 because they are just plain better than anything on Wii.  Period. 

Regardless, you've got WiiU coming out and then you can have the best of both worlds.  Enjoy Batman Arkham City (it rocks!!) Assassin's Creed 3, Mass Effect 3, Call of Duty (non-gimped version) and the other numerous ports along with Nintendo's great 1st party titles.   But don't try to convince anyone Wii had great or even satisfactory (unless you really prefer motion/IR) 3rd party support in genre's it didn't.  Even compared to GC Wii's support in those types of games is weak.