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RolStoppable said:
sethnintendo said:

Damn I think you just won the thread....  I highly doubt Sony or Microsoft really cares about the 1% minority that gives a damn about an ethernet port.  I'd actually find it funny if they included it on their system.  Ethernet port is fine for a desktop PC that is near your router.  However, I see little concern from the average person over this issue.  This thread simply shouldn't have lasted this long but some people cling to bullshit.  Just amazes me that this discussion can keep going over a trivial matter while other threads that are far better for discussion go with little replies.  The old school VGC users are right.  VGC needs to return to 07-09 era since a lot better discussions happened then. 

Except that back then we had some ridiculous threads too. Like that one time when a small percentage of launch Wiis wouldn't read SSBB discs and Nintendo immediately offered to fix them for free; it was likened to the 360's RRoD problem and proclaimed that this website is heavily Nintendo biased due to a severe double standard: Microsoft got called out for RRoD, but the Wii problem was no big deal.

Ah I remember that issue due to dual layer discs.  I never encountered that due to not having a launch Wii.  Didn't they release a patch for that (and replace older systems if needed)? However, if you ever played any Wii CoD you could swear the disc drive was about to break.  The damn thing would be making so much noise reading (and freezing on BO while host sometimes) that I was a little scared of my Wii.  Supposedly all that disc read noise was due to the levels trying to stay the same as the HD version thus having to load constantly during multiplayer.  I didn't notice any lag while hosting WaW games but you could notice the host lag during BO.