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KungKras said:
Romney planned huge tax cuts that would save the top one percent of your country billions of dollars without specifying how he was going to pay for those tax cuts. If you look into it, there is no realistic way they could have payed for that, so it's no wonder they avoided answering questions related to that in interviews.

If you feel bad about not voting for Romney, just look into his policies yourself and check the numbers yourself and make up your own opinion like an educated person.

I'll give you your point about Romney's tax cuts...they most definitely would have added to the deficit, regardless of what he personally thought would happen.  You also have to look at the other side, though.  Raising taxes on the very wealthy does not even come close to filling the gap in tax revenues vs spending... it's pennies. 

The only two things that can be done, that both parties must eventually acknowedge, is that we need Entitlement reform, and we need to cut overseas military spending.  That includes raising the retirement age for people below 50, but it also means ending foreign aid as well as all of these various, unnecessary foreign conflicts we continually involve ourselves in.