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Player2 said:
runqvist said:

What kind of performance does that 15$ dongle offer? USB adds some latency and I really doubt that it can handle a decent internet connection.

Well here's the info for USB:

"The theoretical maximum data rate in USB 2.0 is 480 Mbit/s (60 MB/s) per controller and is shared amongst all attached devices."

"For USB1 low-speed (1.5 Mbit/s) and full-speed (12 Mbit/s) devices the shortest time for a transaction in one direction is 1 ms. USB2 high-speed (480 Mbit/s) uses transactions within each micro frame (125 µs) where using 1-byte interrupt packet results in a minimal response time of 940 ns. 4-byte interrupt packet results in 984ns."

So it is below 1ms. Since games run at 60 fps (1 frame each ~16ms) anything below 1ms is unnoticeable. There are 100MB dongles so the maximum transaction data will be the 60MB/s of the USB.

I'm sure nobody cared so much about latency when MS and Sony decided to use wireless controllers instead of wired ones, or the lag generated by the TV postprocessing if you used the default SCART cable the PS3 and the X360 come with. And this lag affects all your gaming, not only the online.

That is just theoretical maximum performance for usb 2.0 standard. I asked about the performance for this 10$ or 15$ dongle which keep being mentioned on this thread.

I don't have any usb ethernet devices to try now, but once I had a cable modem which had usb port. When I tried it, latency was about 10ms higher than on ethernet and download speeds were significantly lower on usb.