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If this is anything like the DS, which it actually might be, I predict something like this. Note: this is not my prediction, if it is like DS it just might look like this, I won't bet on it.

Category 1: Main casual games. These games are mainly bought be casuals, but of course, also some hardcore, these are for everyone to enjoy (excpet shooter morons). Quality is not how good the games really are, but how good they are in sales.

Games in category 1:

Top quality:
Nintendogs, 17.5M.
Brain Training: 11.69M
More Brain Training: 9.85M.

Medium quality
Big Brain Acadamy: 4.72M
Pokemon Rescue Team: 3.1M
English Training for adults: 3.1M

Category 2: Slightly casual games. Not all casuals will want to buy these games, you have to be interested in games to buy these.

Pokemon D/P - 13,65M.
New SMB: 13.16M
Mario kart DS: 9.45M
Sm64DS: 5.68M

Category 3: Medium games.
Animal Crossing wild world: 8.9M
tLoZ:PH: 3.52M.

Category 4: Core games: None above 3M.

If I were to put the big games in these categories, it would be like this:

1: Wii Sports,Fit and Play. Mario and Sonic. Mario Party 8. Wario Ware.

2. Mario Kart Wii.


3. , tLoZ:TP,

4. Metroid Prime, Re4.

I don't mean literarry that each in these categories will sell like that. You could say something like:

1: 90 % of base has potential of buying
2: 66 % of base might buy.
2.5: 50 % of base might buy.
3.0 33 % of base might buy.
4.0: 15 % of base has a potential of buying.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS