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halil, just wondering.. but how accurate is Eyetoy: Kinetic at figuring out your weight, or which side of your body and direction you lean on... can it tell if when you are doing a pushup, you are putting more pressure on your right hand, and therefore not getting a better work out with your left? Can it calculate your centre of balance when doing any given exercise, and inform you if you are doing it correctly?

Laflel: "After some hours of learning and mastering the mini-games, I can't see it having enough appeal to make people play it everyday to get atleast a little bit of the promised fitness effect."

Yes.. just like people got over wii sports when they mastered it...

You people all probably chose to ignore my link earlier.. but here it is again.. don't post before you watch them, because i know most of you don't actually know what wii fit does..

watch them so you can form a legitimate opinion