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zarx said:
Viper1 said:

Actually, the rep said "Full HD".

The problem is he could have been using the word "full" simply as an adverb to emphasize the game would be in HD.  However, the term "Full HD" is the accepted marketing and industry terminology for 1920 x 1080 resolution.    If he meant the former, it was a poor choice of words due the the conflict with the industry term.

ah my my mistake. If you watch it back he kinda seems a bit flustered at tht point like he missed his prompt or something IMO. The fact that they later confirmed it was not 1080p pretty much confirms that his usage of "full HD" was not used in relation too native resolution, and was just refering to the fact that the game was outputting in HD for the first time on a Nintendo system.

Agreed.  I've not watched it again to look for any facial reactions during his speech but the admission of it not being native 1920 x 1080 confirms his intended use fo the world "full" prior to the word "HD".   But I wonder if he wrote his own segment or not.   If he did cringe when he said it, was it because someone else wrote it, he knew the terminology and how the statement would be perceived?

Either way, it was poorly worded.   Whether written that way or he adlibbed the moment.

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