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@kingofwale... I just want to ask, why can't you use the quote button? are you posting from a restrictive browser (phone?) or something?

regarding Wii Fit, I can't say I was initially interested in the ame at all, but the actual balance board opens up a lot of possibilities for me, and I hope soon that third parties get their asses into gear reagarding some neat ideas.

I have grown a bit more interested in the actual Wii Fit game though, because early on I had only seen videos for the Yoga, the Skiing and the football heading thing, which didn't seem worth it (the skiing looks good but I wasn't going to buy all that just for 1 minigame).
I am in two minds whether to buy it still, but that's mainly because it will be expensive and I rarely spend more than £40 on a game... I imagine I might get it when it is chaper and some other games have included the functionality of the balance board (no doubt all early third party efforts will just be copies of Wii fit, or else hybrids of Wii fit and DDR though)