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Train wreck said:
Vinniegambini said:
Maybe Nintendo should buy THQ. Nintendo gaining the Saints Row, Dark Siders and Metro IP for exclusive on the Nintendo console for below 20 million is peanuts for them. Imagine if that would happen o_O. The backlash wooooossshhhh

What blacklash?  Darkstriders, Metro and Saints didnt help THQ, dont know how it will help Nintendo except in the money losing department.

I beg to differ. The Udraw brought THQ down, not its IPS. Saints Row 2 or 3 sold over 2.5 million on Xbox 360 consoles. Thats not nothing. I think it would be a great strategy from Nintendo to get these IPS and attract the 'hardcore' gamers to their platform as to them, Nintendo still has the kiddy image.