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drkohler said:
Sirius87 said:
z101 said:
DanneSandin said:
Man, I don't understand jack shit of any of these few days conversations!! All I'm interested is how much better will PS720 be in regards of PS320 and WiiU :P

According to the know Specs:

Wii U = 2-3 PS360.

PS4 = 3-4 PS360 (only if it gets a second GPU, only with APU10 1-2 PS360).

Xbox720 = 1-4 PS360 (the data is very vague)

What are you basing your numbers on?

I would say (also going by known and/or rumored specs):
Wii U = 1.5-3 PS360 (but this one is also still very vague as we don't know anything about Clock Rates yet)
PS4 (A10 rumor without dedicated GPU using an unmodified(!) HD 7660D @ 800MHz*) = 2-2.5 PS360
PS4 (A10 rumor using an additional dedicated GPU at least as powerful as the HD 7660D) = 4-?? PS360
XBox720 = not enough known in my opinion to say anything

You are leaving out a few key facts here. For example, the WiiU uses an average of 40W according to Nintendo. That translates into a clock rate for the CPU in the 2.2-2.4GHz region. There are other hints like the fact that some (launch) software is NOT running at 1080p, indicating some CPU starvation. So CPU wise, the performance of the WiiU would only be around 60-80% of a PS3/XBox. However, the heavily modified GPU (I don't think there is any similarity left to the standard ATI 4xxx GPU) makes good for that so WiiUperformance (Whichever way you define "performance")  is around 130% of the PS3/XBox as I explained in a precious post. Also my previous estimates for PS4/XBoxNext are still reasonable, based on what we know at this time (and there are enough hints for the XBoxNext). SImply forget that 4-? times more powerful (again the meaning of "power" should actually be defined).

I'm just using maximum Flops as a measurement for power for the GPUs (ignoring Texel/Pixelfillrate) and for the most part just ignored the CPUs. Only changes I made because of the CPUs: I set the lower boundary for the PS4 without a dedicated GPU to 2 instead of 2.5 (edit: and for the PS4 with d.GPU to a 4 instead of a 5) and reduced the minimum of the Wii U to a 1.5 (instead of a 2 I would have assigned otherwise, because I assume the WiiU-CPU needs some GPGPU-help to do on par with the PS360-CPU).