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PlaystaionGamer said:
so.. my friend who HATEs playstation.. is going out with my friend and she is pro PS3 so he's been playing a lot of exclusives and has said things like Uncharted is the best looking games he has ever played and one of his all time favourite games. he loves LittleBigPlanet and had been trying out other games..

so yesterday i was with them in plymouth and i have been telling him that AC3L is a full AC game (he loves AC) and he needs to play it, he said no its just going to be crap like the PSP/DS ones. so we walked into HMV and he was about to buy Need for Speed for 360 when i was like OH MY SHIT! a PSVita with a 4GB card and AC3:L for.. £199! thats crazy cheap. he then was just stood looking and picked a 10p out of his pocket. he flipped the coin and said if its tails il buy.. it was tails! he also picked up LBPVita aha i couldn't believe it! plus Halo 4 comes out today which he loves so I'm shocked he brought it!

The lesson here is... at the right price and my pressure... even a hardcore Xbox fan will but a Vita!

lol love this, better advertising than sony themselves congrats and by the way liberations is insane almost done with it an have had hardly any bugs