PullusPardus said:
for a game that is heavy on its story, having the story to be its weak points, is kind of a gamebreaker don't you think? The new need for speed is excellent by the way, its totally different from last years need for speed, same for CoD , Last year's Sonic was awesome, Mario i don't know. sport games are sport games they're like that. |
Assassin Creed III may be similiar to last years Assassin creed but what was kept the same was done right in the first place, it's added stuff that was more to do with the world, stuff like animals and the environment around you are big here. But when it comes to an AC, i don't pay to much attention to the story, it has never made any sense to me.
I guess making it a yearly release is putting a toll on development (thank god that won't happen to GTA!, which will always be every other year)
But I still like Assassins Creed III, i think it's a brilliant game and I don't know why people don't like it.
But as for need for speed and call of duty, yes they are different to previous versions but they are still yearly (which i don't think is really long enough to develop games). They both seem to be good too.
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