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People get emotionally engaged with the platform they own. So any criticism of that platform, no matter how true, is taken as a personal affront. This does not lead to sensible conversations.

It is worst just now because the Wii is so different. It is just an uprated Gamecube with a nice gesture interface added. So the owners of the HD consoles look down on it. Whilst Wii owners look down on the HD consoles for not having such a cool interface.

The answer is to own a Wii and a HD console to get the best of both worlds.

Then there is the fact that the vast majority of keen gamers are Sony people. You only have to look at the historic sales figures of PSX and PS2 to see that. So it is galling for them that up to now the Xbox 360 has been by far the best HD ownership proposition. More games, a whole pile of AAA exclusives and Xbox Live give it huge competetive advantage. What further rubs the salt in for the Sony guys is that the 360 is going to get several installments of exclusive GTA IV content.

This obviously leads to lots of PS3 Vs 360 friction.

Then you have to remember that you cannot see a person's age on the internet. So there are a lot of 12 year old fanboys getting into flame wars when their understanding of meaningful debate is somewhat limited.

Sometimes this leads to good fun, but mostly it is just tiresome.

On my blog I often write about the platform holders and occasionally I get a fanboy commenting with an irrational rant. Obviously these just get deleted.

Incisive and erudite blog by game industry professional.