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The existence of DNA doesn't prove god. If anything, comparing different species' DNA proves evolution. There's so much 'junk' in DNA that I don't see how any intelligent being could design it.

There are no objective moral standards. Kant's idea of morality is probably the weakest part of his philosophy. Look at modern studies of morality: Experimentation instead of Kant's speculation. Quoting him on morality is like quoting Aristotle on Physics.

The existence of rationality doesn't prove the existence of a god. The fact that famous minds believed otherwise is quoting authority: A weak rational argument that hasn't been accepted as good since Peter Abelard.

Human self awareness doesn't require a god. Consciousness is not accessible from the outside because we don't have the tools handle the hundreds of millions of neurons and connections... yet. The fact that freedom exists is debatable. We've seen no physical proof of freedom. It's arguable that it's just an illusion. It'd be pretty depressing if that were true, but not wanting to believe in a fact is not an argument for or against it.

The argument of the 'existence of the universe' is one of the oldest ones, and the easiest to disprove. If the universe has to have a beginning, and that beginning is god, then why doesn't god have to have a beginning too? Would god's creator have a creator? It's just pathetic to see someone make that argument in this day and age.

The universe is fine tuned. yeah, right. More quotes to important people, as if rational people accepted quotes from scientists as a fundie respects quotes from the bible. Should I be surprised if, rolling a 100 sided die, I roll a 92? there was only one chance in 100 of that result happening!

Now, a rational person will tell you that we don't have proof of the lack of existence of a god either, just like we don't have proof that there's no unicorns. It's just pretty bloody unlikely.

Besides, isn't god all about faith? if there's proof, there's no faith. If a god was provable, and wanted me to believe in him, he'd just show up in front of me,as a burning bush with purple flames, and say ' hey dude, I exist. Worship me or be damned eternally'. If instead god can't be proven, then looking for silly proofs that don't prove squat and posting them on a website is not just a total waste of time, but also a way of making sure people believe for all the wrong reasons.

Either way, your post fails.