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First let me say this the search for proof of god is a oxymoron. Were a supernatural being detectable, verifiable, or understandable it would not be supernatural. The moment anything within those parameters occur it is not god. This is the real conundrum. The same thing that protects the concept of a supernatural being, is the same thing that will never permit it to be verifiable. This would be the theological Heisenberg principle. By proving it you destroy it, because it can never be provable.

Second for all your implied intent there is the equally valid argument for emergent property. Further more there is an equally valid argument for invariability. The Universe is the way it is, because thats the only way the universe can be. Further more emergent properties have been discovered outside of biological examples in defiance of expectations of the intelligence behind them.

Basically god is but one explanation, but unfortunately without the ability of verification it is also the least likely. Further more it is the most tainted by emotional necessity. People need there to be a god, because of the necessities of ego. We need to believe in purpose, and eternity. For us it is difficult to conceive of a reality without us. Personally I take solace in the fact that time, and space are of the same fabric. Once you exist you cannot cease to exist even if you occupied that fabric for a short duration. Somewhat like a permanent stain on the cosmos.

I would say your running a fools errand. You shouldn't be looking for any proof or vindication. The situation is completely out of your hands, and believing one way or the other isn't going to bare any fruits. Instead entertain yourself with the moment.
Dwelling on a future will not bring you anything, and those wasted moments, are the ones that could have been put to better use.

Shut up, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Something tells me thats what we are supposed to be doing here. Perhaps there is no meaning other then an entertaining distraction vicariously for the universe, or for us as we lumber through an endless eternity. Think of it like a summer vacation don't focus on work enjoy the sunshine, and let these trivial concerns melt away, because they are just that trivial.