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We all know that the Xbox 360 is no fun whatsoever. Everyone who bought a 360 did it so that they can watch flowers grow in 1080p. In fact the 360 is actually anti-fun. Bill Gates is the antichrist who designed it with the sole purpose of turning America’s teenagers into mindless killing machines by making every game a FPS. This was very easy to do since the only game the 360 has is Halo. Actually that doesn’t even exist because the 360 has no games. We’ve been playing imaginary 360 this whole time. And the 360 is designed to red ring forcing people to buy more 360s so that Microsoft can inflate their sales statistics and con investors.

The PlayStation 3 is only ever used as a blu-ray player. People only buy games for the PS3 because Sony put a special message into blu-ray discs telling people to do so out of brand loyalty. Sony also hates innovation which is why they designed the Cell processor. They made the system impossible to develop anything new for so developers are forced to repeat the same games over and over again. Sony just uses an elaborate Kuleshov effect to make you think you’re playing something new but in reality they just changed around a few minor details such as storyline, game worlds and other such petty details.

The margin by which the Wii is outselling its competitors this week has decreased therefore proving it is a fad. Nintendo’s inability to meet demand only proves that they are incompetent and will cause everyone to buy a different console because they have the attention span of a goldfish. Also the Wii doesn’t have any real games because I’m an authority on video games and therefore get to decide what is a real game. Endless Ocean for instance is not a real game because it doesn’t have life-bars or enough violence to keep people with ADD entertained. It’s overpriced because the graphics are bad and we all know games are worthwhile only if they have the latest cutting edge graphics which are important for everyone. Your mother will obviously be furious by the lack of textures in Wii Sports. In fact as soon as more advanced consoles are released their predecessors immediately vanish from everyone’s houses because no-one would want to play games with inferior graphic quality.