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Having only played a demo of the original Darksiders, I was a bit shocked at how much attention the sequel was getting from critics and gamers alike. So last week I decided to plunge myself into Darksiders 2. 

I'm about 25 hours in, and while the story is nearing completion, there is still much I haven't seen or done. I am very impressed with the overall atmosphere and lore of this game. I went ahead and read some backstory on the original as well as the sequel also, so I could essentially catch up. It seems much time and effort went into this series so far, and I'm a bit disapointed that more gamers aren't experiencing what the two games have to offer. I think DS2 could very well be a dark horse for GOTY, and I'm going to list a few reasons why I think so. 

If you haven't played either, or only the first, I HIGHLY recommend Darksiders 2. 

Story: Without spoiling anything, it's a pretty intricate story. While maybe not told in the greatest manner (MGS4, Red Dead Redemption, ect), when taken as a whole it all weaves in together very nicely, including the parellel stories from both games. Basically it is the tale of the eldest of the four horsemen, Death, as he ventures to clear the name of his brother War. To do this you end up in a story in itself involving the makers. Doing from research it is a pretty deep story.

Presentation-Sound: This is the second original video game soundtrack I have downloaded and been addicted to (first being Assassin's Creed 2, ironcially both by Jesper Kyd). It's breathtaking at times and really puts other soundtracks in games these days to shame. 

Presentation-Visuals: Some mild screen tears, occasional framerate stutters and a couple bugs slightly hurt the overall visuals, but when you get past that you have a geogous looking game. It's clear that Vigil Games wanted a seamless overworld with minimal load times and cel-shaded beauty. Draw distances look absolutley amazing (seeing the Tree of LIfe from almost anywhere in each world is a treat to your eyes).

Gameplay: I'd say the gameplay from Darksiders 2 is a blend of God of War meets Prince of Persia (2008) and then had a baby named Link. Mixing combat sections with the puzzle/platforming is very well timed to the point where you're not doing one type of gameplay for too long. Backtracking is actually worth while to explore new areas where you couldn't reach before.

Lasting Appeal: As I said, I'm only 25 hours in and still can't put the game down. The main quest is probably around 15 or so hours, but with so many side quests and collectibles that actually improve your character, it's tough to just blow through the main quest (especially on the higher difficulty settings)

Negatives: Obviously no game is without it's flaws, and Darksiders 2 is no exception. Once you have gotten the collectibles and done the side quests, the world does seem a bit empty. Also in my opinion there should have been more NPC's in the game, perhaps citizens of some sort. I realize the world it takes place in may not allow that. Gameplay wise I've had a couple times where Death would grab onto the wrong ledge, or fail to reach the top of a ledge because he was off about an inch. Invisible walls pop up from time to time also. Other than that the game is very well put together. 

If I had to give Darksiders 2 a score it'd be an 8.75/10. Not good enough to be in the category of other "9" games. 

I mainly just created this post to share my feelings and opinions of Darksiders 2 and why I think it could be a dark horse for GOTY. With Assassin's Creed 3 getting lower than expected reviews, who knows. I'd love to hear your opinions on this game, the series as a whole, as well as should Vigil Games consider making a Darksiders 3. Hopefully word of mouth increases sales as DS2 currently sits at under .5 million for both the 360 and PS3 (according to VgChartz)


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