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Orc King

attacks and how to avoid
windmill wind up thingy - to avoid, jump away then air dash 2-3 times until you hit the ground, jump again then air dash again. ground dash wont cut it as there is a longer pause.

double cloth line - he'll jump back then extend both arms out. to avoid, just dash to the side

drop kick - he'll jump, so...just dash away

jab/jabs -he'll do a boxing stance thingy, just dash away

roar - doesn't do much damage so just ignore it since he'll most likely do a silly dance after wards which you can take advantage of by getting a few good hits in.

dash - you'll notice that he'll do a boxing stance again but not move around, there's a small pause which is enough time to dash away

combo punch - you'll notice that he'll charge or something, run behind him then attack

I'm sure he has some other one hit punches, but they all have some action where he'll pull back his arm, this should tell you to dash away

use the lock on feature, its good enough that you dont have to constantly adjust your camera angle

if you are
hammersmith - dont try to combo him to death since your attacks are stupidly slow, even with high hp, he can kill you fast. resort to a hit and run tactic chaining maybe two normal attacks. dont use the knockback attack as its too slow. Hammersmith attacks are stronger than the rest so a few hits should do the trick. jumping wont do much good as your jump is low and your slow at it.

cleric - special combos take too long so stick to 3-4 chain combos. if you want to be really cheesy, run away until the distance between you and the orc king is such that there is enough time for you to complete an ariel magnus exorcism ( i'm not sure but I think its jump, /,/,/,/,O ). If you time it right, the dumb fool will walk right into it for some major damage. air dash away, run away and repeat. (its the attack that charges your mace and makes a circle thingy). If you dont want to be cheesy, just lock on then pumel him with normal attacks chaining 3-4 attacks only and pausing a little to refresh it while using the lock on feature. this way, he'll always be infront of you and you'll see if he's about to do an attack, once you see any signs of an attack just dash away. the reason for not completing a combo is coz it causes you to pause a little which is not cool.

Sword warrior - same as cleric, use the lock on feature. and just attack with the normal attack chain. you can complete the chain combo for a swordwarror since he/she is faster.

assassin - same as cleric, you can attack faster but be sure to always dodge as it has low hp and defence

hunter - cheezy way, is run away, then when there's enough space /,/,/,O,O or whatever combo you like since its ranged.

mage - ummm....yeah..about that, stupidly slow and stupdily low defense...ungh!!!!! best bet is to use the standing O attack, its ranged, its powerfull. make sure to have enough room that you have enough time to recover.

just always remember, use the lock on. saves you the trouble of adjusting the camera, makes it that the orc king is always in front of you which makes it possible to see when he's about to perform an attack.

my recomendation, either use sword warrior or cleric.

good luck