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*looks around. sees no mods. continues...*

.......and what's up with that Wii-Remote sleave? The remote didn't look enough like a penis for some gamers? Is this some kinda subliminal message from Nintendo -"Were screwing you gamers with our over priced Gamecube, but at least we use protection". Considering I own 75% of a full game (Wii Play+Wii Sports combined), maybe they're right.

And why the hell is my 360's fan so loud? My girlfriend keeps thanking me for vacuuming the house. I don't even own a vacuum cleaner! And why can't I browse the web on this thing? My cell phone can do it! Hell, even the Wii can do it (albeit blurrily at 480p)!

The PS3 has the same controller as the PS2....Which is just a modified PS1 controller.....which was just a modified SNES controller. No wonder the Playstation took off. Half the people who bought it thought it was the Super-Duper NES. And the PS3 motion controls :suck. donkey. ass.

The DS. Who in the hell thought blowing hot air on a cool glass screen was innovative gameplay? I can't see the crap graphics because of the fogged up screen! On second thought: Genius!!

And the PSP. Why in the world would I watch a gimped version of a DVD for $25 bucks when I could use my portable DVD player or laptop and watch the real DVD that I already own at home? Unlike the PSP, batteries last for longer than 45 minutes on a laptop. And the start up screen is so cumbersome, I can't even figure out how to get a game to play. I have to get a 14 year old to do it for me.

2009. The year the N-Gage strikes back! Nokia is the real "Big N"!