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Conegamer said:
RoryGamesFree said:
I'm hoping Lewis can pull something off this weekend, he looked fast in FP1 and 2, anything other than a Vettel/Red Bull procession would be good though tbh!

also are you guys doing like a fantasy league or summat? (the graphs and such?)

anyway, I am a huge F1 fan since 1994 or so, favourite current drivers are Button and Hamilton, also like Raikonnen, Perez and Di Resta team wise I used to really like Jordan, nowadays I tend to follow McLaren though that's mainly cause they had my two favourite drivers

Yeah anything other than a Vettel win would be nice; preferably Alonso because it'd really bring the championship back! 

And yeah; dunno quite what it is but each race we choose who will finish on the podium and who will retire. You get points for how accurate you are, I believe. Though I'm terrible at it :/

true, though tbh I find it hard to see anyone other than Vettel winning the WDC this season now, Ferrari looked off the pace in practice 1/2 as well

ah okay, well I guess they say taking part if what counts lol

Max Chilton who raced in FP1 for Marussia yesterday and did well in this years GP2 (I don't know if anyone else follows the feeder series, but he was about 6th I think in that and won a race and stuff too), anyway he's apparently expected to sign for Marussia next season as their 2nd Driver. FP1 he was about a second behind Glock, which given it's his first F1 session isn't bad, hopefully he does well next year for them