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@Mr Khan: Is it really that simple? Are you asserting that the reason these topics are so hotly debated is just that people are too stupid to look it up? (Evolution, I'd maybe concede, but is climate change so easy to understand for anyone?)
@dsgrue3, of course you do. I have yet to meet a religious person who doesn't. That's not the point, though. Is the biology really simple enough for everyone to understand, though? And, if it is, is it the same for the science behind climate change? Homosexuality? For taxes, while I'm unclear on the specifics, surely, you've argued this with someone else on this forum by now? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I believe there was a Politics thread about someone wanting to raise the taxes (firstly) on the rich very recently/
@KungKras, popularly accepted science has often had to change its course due to evidence, I'm pretty sure. Besides, you can get the right answer through the wrong method, can't you?
@Chark, are all successful societies republics? That seems like an enormous assertion that many would argue is flat out wrong. Many people today strongly believe in democratic principles and relying on intellectuals whom I don't know if I can trust is rather difficult.
@insomniac17, I understand I'm selling myself as a moron here, but please don't think I haven't considered such a commonly used moral issue. I said I believe in saving lives, not utilitarianism, necessarily. In that example, I'm not sure what I'd do; I don't know if one life is less valuable than five. On the other hand, if it were saving a life against taking some rich person's property, that seems perfectly viable to me morally and only the very libertarian fringe of people would disagree. For all these questions you ask, I believe it's a complicated situation that needs to be thoroughly discussed and have no immediate answers. I don't agree that "no action" is the best course of action morally, though. Not at all.
@ArnoldRimmer, of course; that's very very basic philosophy, I think. I still have to make political decisions in real life, though. So I have to find out where to place trust. And why.
@man-bear-pig, I am an innocent child. Do not corrupt me with talk of Thai ladyboys, :P.
@DCOK, oh, I've been looking into libertarianism, alright. For a while now. Please don't be missionary-like by providing me with all of life's answers without actually bothering to consider my questions, though.
@SamuelRSmith, I hope that video wasn't directed at me. I much prefer reading people's reasoning to listening to their idols.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx