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shanbcn said:
This is what Sony said last quarter.

"Sales decreased 14.5% year-on-year (a 10% decrease on a constant currency basis) to 118.0 billion yen (1,493 million U.S. dollars). This decrease was primarily due to lower sales of hardware and software of the PSP® (PlayStation Portable) and PlayStation®3, partially offset by the contribution of the PlayStation®Vita introduced from December 2011."

They are talking about revenue and not unit sales. Otherwise PS2 shipped 1.2m or more last quarter, more then double from 1st quarter.Doesnt make any sense really on this market. In what world PS2 outshipped 360 in last quarter?

To further illustrate your comment. Taken from the Consolidated Financial Results

(Billions of yen, millions of U.S. dollars)

Second quarter ended September 30

Change in yen
Sales and operating revenue

Operating income


Edit: Wait what? This is what it says from their report:

Sales decreased 15.8% year-on-year (a 14% decrease on a constant currency basis) to 148.2 billion yen (1,899
million U.S. dollars). This decrease was primarily due to lower sales of hardware and software of the
PlayStation®3 (“PS3”) and PSP® (PlayStation Portable) (“PSP”), partially offset by the contribution of the
PlayStation®Vita (“PS Vita”) introduced in December 2011.

Edit 2: Nvm, thats last quarter, my bad.