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archbrix said:
runqvist said:
Mr Khan said:

That R* should do it because it will make them money. Porting costs are quite low for a high profile game, and unless its totally gimped or made into a ripoff (ME3), it will easily sell enough to make back the money put in, several times over.

Passing up an opportunity to make money for a business is irrational. So it points to 3rd parties being either biased or stupid, and if they're not biased, they're pretty damn moronic, and if they're not stupid, they're pretty damn biased.

Care to present some facts to go with your argument or are you just basing this on your own thoughts?

You could start with the porting costs, how much would it be to port a game which you haven't seen for a platform you know almost nothing about? When you have explained that with links or proper calculations done by yourself, you can move to part 2.

Prove that the game will sell enough to pay those costs several times over. You already have the costs, all you need is to know how much the game sells and how much of those sales are going to R*.

Surely that is easy, as you make it sound that those are facts.


A little research and you could have answered this for yourself:

If Rockstar only made $10 on each game sold they would make $2.5m with only 250,000 units sold.

Now consider that COD for the Wii - a version that was technically inferior to the HD versions - still broke 1m sold...

Your link does not say much, only thing it quotes from developer is

“Out of the 7 games we have for launch, five are ports, so those are games for which there is a quite small re-investment to make. The two original games are ZombiU and Rayman, so those are more expensive.”


(ubisoft) “doesn’t have a huge investment in the Wii U”.

When I google'd a bit I found this.

"out of 7 games we are planning to launch, 5 games are ports, so those are games for which there is a quite small reinvestment to do. The two games that are original, are ZombiU of course and Rayman, so those ones of course are more expensive but we are not talking about games today, like we were spending on Ghost Recon or Assassin's Creed. so they are much smaller of cost. because as we've always said when there is such an innovation the need is not to have big production value but to concentrate on the innovation, this is what we are trying on Rayman and ZombieU. for the other five games, you are talking about small budget, I'd say of less than a million euro to make some of the ports, I'd estimate. so together I don't think we have a huge investment on the Wiiu"


Which states that porting some of those games, My guess is Just Dance, fitness evolved, and the  Rabbid game, costs less than million. There is no mention of costs of like assassins creed, which should be closer to what porting GT5 costs than those 3 games.